Ok guys at first thank you all for your comments and a happy new year. Now in the year I will start vitalizing my blog. But before I start I will answer to your comments.
Thanks for all the comments and the critics. I will try to make those pictures bigger. About the using of media in italy, as far as I know from my friends and my familiy in italy they are not that familiar with the usage of media in their working areas, in their schools or universities. It not such big deal as in Germany maybe because the country has more old fashioned views than in Germany. Also like Miss Gueldenring the want to keep "good old stuff" in my opinion this has positiv and negative aspects. I don't think that this change to e-books, e-newspapers, social networks and so on is a good change, but we can't stop it. That's why I think we have no choice. We have to deal with the progress of our time. What do you think about this topic? Is this change the next step into the future and will life more easy or is it an unstoppable process that will cause lot of problems?
Barbara Güldenring
12/14/2010 01:57:12 am

I just read through your reflection and I really liked the fact that you discussed the tools in order of their importance to you personally. This was also the apparent by the fact that you were able to write a lot more about the last tools you mentioned, while the ones in the beginning were only briefly discussed (although I am sure you can say a lot more about them.)

Nevertheless, I like that you invite participation on this e-portfolio page!

And by the way ... you did a great job as a co-moderator with me for the debate! Many thanks!

12/26/2010 08:46:42 pm

I just wanted to leave the comment here that I liked your homepage! How much work you put in those pictures at the top of each page! =)
Have nice holodays!

1/3/2011 01:25:53 am


As already said, your pictures are nice!

Do your relatives from Italy learn with new media as well? ;-)

1/3/2011 01:29:12 am

... would be cool if the pics were not that small so that we could see them better! :) (e.g. PiratePad, Wordle ...)

1/15/2011 10:52:39 pm

Hi, I also like your e-portfolio; it appears to be very well-structured and I like that you support your texts with pictures.
The only thing I didn't like so much was the homepage. The text design appeared to me as if it was shouting at me and the different font types in the header combined with all the different text colors on the page looked a bit distracting.
But that's only a small remark, otherwise your site is great!


1/16/2011 06:05:15 am

Hey there,

I think the use of colour is a question of taste, though I have to admit that your colourful pictures really add to the friendliness of your portfolio :)

As a reply to your above mentioned question:
The use of new media does not automatically imply that traditional ways of teaching should be totally substituted by modern methods, thus the board and the wonderful ex-cathedra teaching should still be used if they constitute an appropriate way of providing information. Nevertheless, the new media also offers a range of possibilties which can really be rewarding for certain educational objectives. Just consider the communicative character of the web and how motivating it is for students to actually use the language they are learning.
In the end, teachers should choose those methods and tools they feel confident with but at the same time they should always consider their appropriateness for the learning content.

2/17/2011 04:30:46 am

Hi Paolo,

I also thought about your question and what Delaram answered. In my opinion, some developments should really be supported as for example the general usage of the Internet for researchs and so on. Additionally, most of the tools we got to know during the seminar (as Netvibes, PiratePad, Prezi, Weebly,...) are really useful and I don't see many disadvantages or dangers.
But I also have to say that Social Networking Sites like Facebook are a bit scary to me. If you don't have a profile there, you will miss so much information about your friends; what they are doing and what they are thinking and so on. I did not want to have a profile there for long time, but now I realized that everybody is there and that some information is only shared there... Sad, but true. That's why I signed up there...


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