"Bildungsmesse Didacta"

Coincidentally I read an article in a magazine about the education fair “didacta” in Germany. I actually didn’t know that something like this exists that’s why I thought as future teacher that it would be interesting to get to know more about it and what it exactly implies.

The “Didacta” is an association of the education industry that represents the interests of 225 organisations and corporations in Germany and other countries. The “Didacta” campaigns qualitative valuable teaching and learning material and good and appropriate establishment and equipment for the schools. They participate in debates about the advancement of the educational systems and inform the public about important developments around the topic education.

The education fair they are adjusting is also called “Didacta” and it is the biggest fair for education wordlwide. They are subsidized and supported by corporations, political, pedagogic and research institutions, parent-teacher associations and media representatives.  

The educational fair “Didacta” was this year in the South German city Stuttgart and occurred from the 22nd until the 26th of February. In 2011 95.000 people visited the fair which is a new record. The trends in the didactic were discussed and new products were introduced.  The most important visitor groups were teachers (41%), principals (7%) and nursery nurses (13%). Most of them were interested in learning material and school books (55%) and subject literature (36%). Also in this year the demand for new media was very high (30%).


